Our veterans have offered an enormous service to our country. They have defended our freedom, protected our nation abroad and ensured that we can live in a peaceful and prosperous society. Maine’s disabled veterans have offered an extreme sacrifice that they will live with for their entire lives. When our veterans return home, however, they frequently face challenges in adjusting to civilian life.

Our children are the future of Maine. Their education must be one of our highest priorities, whether it be K-8, support for higher learning, or supporting our teachers and our school districts.

Maine’s environment is one of our greatest assets and a primary driver of our economy, but it’s being affected by our changing climate. Prioritization of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal and tidal, within Maine will aid in our progress towards lowering carbon emissions and create good paying jobs for Mainers.

Taxes support our public schools, allow for repairs to our roads and bridges, provide emergency response systems that keep us safe and so much more. We need taxes, but we also need to make sure our tax system is fair and not putting an unnecessary burden on working class Mainers striving to get ahead or on seniors struggling to remain in their homes.

When it comes to health care, we are focused on ensuring comprehensive care is not limited by age, gender, pre-existing conditions or income. Every Mainer deserves access to quality, affordable health care, and we are fighting for just that.

When it comes to reopening our economy and rebuilding it, we need to do so safely and smartly. Our economy should be rebuilt to ensure that our middle class and working Mainers are supported and able to thrive. Small business are the lifeblood of Maine’s economy and it is our duty to support them.