February 22, 2024
AUGUSTA – Rep. Tiffany Roberts, D-South Berwick, was recognized Thursday as a Maine Business Champion by the Maine State Chamber of Commerce for her work on the Maine Dirigo Business Incentive Program and her continued commitment to strengthening Maine’s small businesses.
“Maine small businesses are the heart of our state’s economy. In the Legislature, it is our duty to provide them with the tools they need to be successful,” said Roberts. “I could not be more proud of the work we’ve done over the past few years to make Maine’s economy more competitive and create an environment where more businesses can thrive. I look forward to continuing this work.”
Over the past two years, Roberts has been a leader in sponsoring and cosponsoring legislation to support economic growth and small businesses in Maine. Last session, she cosponsored legislation to create the Maine Dirigo Business Incentive Program. The program will encourage businesses to invest in more worker training programs and provide new tax credits for capital investments helping to make Maine a competitive player in emerging and growing markets.
This session, Roberts has sponsored legislation that would amplify the impact of the Maine Development Foundation, a non-partisan statewide driver of sustainable economic growth.
Roberts is serving her third term representing House District 149, which includes portions of North and South Berwick. She serves as House chair of the Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business Committee.